series robot circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

For our second build in the Make It Last Build Series, we`re constructing a robotic plant. This week, we`re going to put together the brains of the machine, which we will use in the coming weeks to bring our plant to life. This basic circuit will have support for one servo motor, an external crystal to keep accurate time, a capacitive touch inpu

series robot circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

t, and plenty of I/O pins to drive LEDs, and read other sensors. This time around, we`ll be soldering it together to make a more permanent design, that will be perfect for placing in your plant pot. Just getting started We suggest you take a look at the announcement post for an introduction to the project and a parts list, then follow along with these instructions to build the brains for the robot plant. If you haven`t signed up for the newsletter, now is a good time to do so. Also, as a reminder, you don`t need to purchase any parts or build our project to be eligible for the contest in fact, the more creative you get, the better! So without further ado, lets get to the building! Note: We`re going to be soldering this project together on a perfboard. If you`ve never used them before, check out Collin`s Perfboard Prototyping video for a great introduction. If you`re still nervous, you can certainly just build your circuit on a solderless breadboard! The first step is to place our chip socket on the board. The sockets provides a way to connect our microcontroller without making it permanent, in case we need to swap it out for some reason. For our circuit, we`ll use the connection strip on the right (labeled X` on the Radio Shack board) for power, and the one on the left for ground. Connect wires from Pin 20 on the chip socket and Pin 2 on the programming header to the power strip. The ground connection is a bit trickier,...

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