Light Detector circuit

Posted on Jul 15, 2012

This circuit give low level output, when exist enough lighting, that is a detector of light. It can give, say ,command turn on somebodies lights, when fall the dark. His exit is compatible with TTL level and it give low logic level, when phototransistor Q1, detect light. With adjustable resistor RV1, we can regulate the sensitivity that it will have.

Light Detector circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Part List R1=270ohm C1-2=100nF 100V ceramic IC2=74HCT13 R2-5=1Kohm RV1=10Kohm trimmer Q1=BP103 Phototransistor Siemens R3=10Kohm D1-2=1N4148 R4=100ohm IC1=CA3130

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