
Posted on Sep 18, 2012

This circuit`s frequency of oscillation increases directly with light intensity. The greater the light intensity, the higher the frequency of the oscillator. The 555 timer operates in the astable oscillator mode where frequency and duty cycle are controlled by two resistors and one capacitor. The capacitor charges through R1 and R2, and discharges through R2, a standard photo cell. Resistor R3lirnits the upper frequency of oscillation to the audio range.

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The lower range of approximately] pps is set by the value of R2, approximately 10-M!l, with the photo cell almost totally dark. A loudspeaker provides audio output, and an LED is used as a pilot light that flashes when the frequency falls below about 10 to 12 Hz. Extremely sensitive, especially on the dark end of the photocell resistance range, the unit can detect lightning many miles away, providing a rapid frequency increase with each flash of lightning. When used with a flashlight at night, the device becomes a simple optical radar for the blind, showing angular direction to a light-reflecting object, as well as height and distance to the object when hand scanned back and forth. This light -sensitive audio oscillator can also serve as an audible horizontal level device by noting the position of a liquid bubble illuminated by a light source. Thus, you can sense fluid levels as well as the vibration state of a fluid surface level.

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