1998 tracker: 1.6 multifuel port injection replaced plugs cap rotor

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

A 1998 tracker it has 1. 6 multifuel port injection system. The vehical is hard to start. when we drive it their is a lack of power it wants to bog down. we have replaced plugs, cap, rotor check catlic ok. disconected the tps still runs the same. could this be the problem I want to make shure Because the part is 300 $ b4 I replace it And is it a simple r&r this sounds as if you have low fuel presure. you need to

1998 tracker: 1.6 multifuel port injection replaced plugs cap rotor
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check the fuel presure, these must have 44psi. the fuel presure regulator may be bad or the fuel pump may be weak please ACCEPT my answer so I can get credit for my work. i don`t receive commission unless you do. i`m not always going to be giving you good news, so please dont let this stand in the way of you accepting my answer. it does not cost you more money. we will still be able to communicate. Bonuses and positive feedback are appreciated!if you are not satisfied with my answer, please do not leave bad feed back, i will gladly opt out and let another expert handle the question. PLEASE ASK IF YOU NEED MORE HELP Have an assistant turn the ignition ON, while you listen at the fuel filler tube opening. The operation of the fuel pump should be heard from the fuel filler tube opening for approximately 3 seconds, then it should stop. Fig. Fig. 2: Sounds from the electric fuel pump should be heard from the fuel tank filler tube opening for approximately 3 seconds after the ignition switch is turnedON Once again have your assistant turn the ignition ON, while you feel for fuel pressure at the fuel return line near the throttle body. Fuel pressure should be felt at the return line for approximately 3 seconds after the ignition switch is turned ON. Using a Digital Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM) set on the ohmmeter function, measure the resistance between relay terminals A and B, and between terminals C and D. The resistance between...

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