Magnetic Gun

Posted on Jan 16, 2013

Picured in Figure 1 is a miniature magnetic gun. When optimally tuned, it will propel a small slug about 1.5 metres high, or 2.5 metres horizontally. IC1 is a 555 timer in astable mode, sending approx. 10 ms pulses to decade counter IC2. IC2 is continually reset through R3, until pin 15 is taken low through the `Fire` button. IC2 then sequences through outputs Q1 to Q7, to feed power transistors TR1 to TR4, which fire electromagnets L1 to L4 in rapid sequence.

Magnetic Gun
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The electromagnets are wound on a 25 cm long, 3 mm dia. copper tube (available at hobby shops). Two "stops" may be cut from tin for each electromagnet, and 500 turns of approx. 30 swg. enamelled copper wire wound between them. The electromagnets

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