Frequency limit detector

Posted on Oct 1, 2012

Simple frequency limit detectors providing a GO/NO-GO output for use with varying amplitude input signals may be conveniently implemented with the ICL8211/8212. In the application shown, the first ICL8212 is used as a zero-crossing detector. The output circuit consisting of R3, R4 and C2 results in a slow output positive ramp. The negative range is much faster than the positive range. R5 and Rg provide hysteresis so that under all circumstances the second ICL8212 is turned on for sufficient time to discharge C3. The time constant of R7C3 is much greater than R4C2. Depending upon the desired output polarities for low and high input frequencies, either an ICL8211 or an ICL8212 may be used as the output driver.

Frequency limit detector
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The circuit is sensitive to supply voltage variations and should be used with a stabilized power supply. At very low frequencies the output will switch at the input frequency.

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