telephone line loger

Posted on Nov 19, 2012

Here is a telephone line vigilant circuit to guard against mis- use of your telephone lines. It monitors telephone lines round the clock and provides visual as well as an audio warning (when someone is using your telephone lines) which can be heard anywhere in the house. Another advantage of using this circuit is that one comes to know of the misuse and snapping of the lines (due to any reason) instantaneously on its occurance. This enables the subscriber to take necessary remedial measures in proper time.

telephone line loger
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Even when the subscriber himself is using his telephone (handset off-cradle) while the vigilant circuit is on, the buzzer beeps once every 5 seconds since the vigilant circuit cannot distinguish between self-use of the subscriber lines or by any unauthorised person. Thus to avoid unnecessary disturbance, it is advisable to install the vigilant unit away from the phone. However, if one wishes to fit the unit near the telephone then switch S1 may be flipped to off position to switch off the buzzer. But remember to flip the switch to on position while replacing the handset on cradle. Irrespective of telephone line polarity at the input to the circuit, proper DC polarity is maintained across C1 due to bridge rectifier comprising diodes D1 to D4. The DC voltage developed across capacitor C1 is used to check telephone line condition as per Table I. This circuit draws negligible current from telephone line; thus when it is connected to the telephone line, the normal telephone operation is not affected. The circuit may be divided into two parts. The first part comprises zener D9, transistors T1 to T4 and diode D5. It is used to verify whether telephone line loop is intact or discontinuous. The second part comprising zener D10 and transistors T5 to T10 is used to check whether telephone line is in use (or misuse) or not. The zener diode D9 (3.3V) conducts when phone line loop is intact and not broken. Zener D9 sets control...

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