Multipurpose tape recorders TV signal generator circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Circuit shown in Figure, IC1, C1 composition 400HZ about low frequency oscillator; IC2, C3 composed around 37MHZ frequency oscillator; low-frequency signal from the output C2 o

Multipurpose tape recorders TV signal generator circuit
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f the high-frequency signal is modulated. C4 antennas and transmission system. Harmonics can receive high-frequency oscillator (or other channels) in the three TV channels showed black and white stripe signal. A point, B point output signal, respectively, for the detection of low-frequency signal and image channel. The C3 can replace quartz crystal oscillation frequency stability, as shown in dotted lines in FIG. If the access point using a terminal C3 or socket, respectively, into the C3 crystal; frequency is selected 465KHZ, 10.7KHZ, 6.5KHZ, 4.43MHZ, 37MHZ can do tape recorders, television IF signal source.

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