5-Pole Low-Pass Filter Circuit

Posted on Aug 9, 2012

The LTC1063 is the first monolithic low-pass filter that simultaneously offers outstanding dc and ac performance. It features internal or external clock tunability, cutoff frequencies up to 50 kHz, 1-mV typical output dc offset, and a dynamic range in excess of 12 bits for over a decade of input voltage. The LTC1063 approximates a 5-pole Butterworth low-pass filter. The unique internal architecture of the filter allows outstanding amplitude matching from device to device. Typical matching ranges from 0.01 dB at 25% of the filter passband to 0.05 dB at 50% of the filter passband. An internal or external clock programs the filter`s cutoff frequency.

5-Pole Low-Pass Filter Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The clock-to-cutoff frequency ratio is 100:1. In the absence of an external clock, the LTC1063`s internal precision oscillator can be used. An external resistor and capacitor set the device`s internal clock frequency.

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