Low Noise Moving Coil Audio Preamplifier

Posted on Sep 9, 2012

This preamplifier was designed for low resistance sources like moving coil heads (MC). The circuit uses in parallel three duble transistors SSM2220 or MAT03 and by forming a diferential amplifier keeps noice low. Connecting this amplifier in front of a OP27 amp we gain even lower noise. Also the reason we use PNP rather NPN transistors is because they have les low frequency noice.

Low Noise Moving Coil Audio Preamplifier
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Trimmer P1 and resistors R7/R8 equalize the rates or R4 and R5 of differential amplifier's output. The transistor T4 and LED D1 are the power feed of amplifier. But the use of a LED in this position is better thermal spreading.

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