Compact DJ Station

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The mixer features two stereo phono inputs and two stereo line-level inputs and has one stereo mixing channel. A microphone input and a stereo main output with adjustable gain are also provided. General Circuit diagram : all passive circuitry (controls, faders, switches, input and output connectors) is shown in full, whereas active amplification m

Compact DJ Station
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odules are represented by suitably labeled triangle symbols. Phono Amplifier Module : a high gain stereo amplifier suitable for moving magnet pick-up cartridges, having a frequency response according to RIAA equalization curve and based on the low noise, low distortion LS4558 dual IC. Two identical stereo modules of this type are required. Headphone Amplifier Module : this circuit was already present on this website under Portable 9V Headphone Amplifier. It features a low current drain stereo amplifier based on the low distortion, low noise 5532 dual IC, capable of delivering 3. 6V peak-to-peak into 32 Ohm load at 9V supply (corresponding to 50mW RMS) with less than 0. 025% total harmonic distortion (1kHz & 10kHz). P1, P2, P4, P5_22K Dual gang Log Potentiometers P3_22K Dual gang Linear Potentiometer P6_22K Log Potentiometer R1 to R10_30K 1/4W 1% or 2% tolerance Resistors R11_1K 1/4W Resistor C1_2200 µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor D1_3mm. or 6mm. red LED J1 to J10_RCA audio input sockets J11_6mm. or 3. 5mm. Stereo Jack socket J12_6mm. or 3. 5mm. Mono Jack socket J13_Mini DC Power Socket SW1, SW2_DPDT toggle or slide Switches SW3_2 poles 3 ways Rotary Switch SW4_SPST toggle or slide Switch The input source can be selected by means of SW1 for Channel 1 and SW2 for Channel 2. Moving magnet pick-ups must be connected to Phono 1 and 2 inputs, whereas CD players, iPods, Tape recorders, PC Audio outputs and the like can be connected...

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