Industrial & Domestic Electronic Kits

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is a very simple and inexpensive circuit uses an operational amplifier IC 741 (IC1) and push-pull amplifier using transistors for amplification of a signal. The name of the project it self suggests its application. It can be used for level control in hydroculture project. Also for kitchen purpose like detecting the level of water in washing machine.

Industrial & Domestic Electronic Kits
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The main feature of this circuit is that it shows each level in meaningful English letters. It displays letter E` for Empty, `L` for Low, `H` for Half, `A` for Above Average and F` for Full Tank. The sensors for each level are immersed in tank. Their other ends get interconnected through four NOR gates, which uses IC1. The output is then given to IC2, which is BCD to seven- segment display driver IC. The level of fluid is indicated on 7- segment display. This inexpensive two way intercom provides a simple way by which we can communicate in two ways i. e. send a signal as well as receive a signal. The circuit is build around timer IC555 (IC1) and low power audio amplifier IC386 (IC2). The circuit is designed in two parts. Here the circuit diagram of one part is shown in figure. The output of one unit is given to the input of other unit. The two parts are connected by three way wire connection points. These points are denoted by `S` for supply, `O` for output and `G` for ground. The circuit described here can be used for any simple on/off function such as controlling a lamp or fan. The major advantage is that this circuit is absolutely free from ambient light interference and provides controlled range of about 10 mt without the use of any focusing lens. Transmitter and receiver circuits are described below: Transmitter section consists of a power supply, an oscillator and an output stage. The circuit diagram for transmitter...

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