Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This ridiculous hat is one of my typical procrastination projects. During swatvac for my final exams I got invited to a friends hat themed Birthday party. With nothing better to do (well apart from study for my exams) I decided that I wanted to win the best hat prize, and figured I could use up some of the spare LED`s I have laying about after my

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LED cube project in the process. Literally before I had even responded to the event I had started bending wire around my head to form the shape of the hat, there was no design or even consideration of how this thing was going to work but this is what I ended up with. It`s messy, it`s uncomfortable and was a complete waste of time, but It looks awesome when it`s turned on and I kicked ass in the competition. I am not going to go into much detail here as I feel like I have spent enough time on a flashy hat, but you can find some pics, circuit diagrams and the code all here. The hat took shape fairly quickly I used thick fencing wire for the construction and routing power about my head, for all the signals I used a heap of enameled copper wire which I think actually looks pretty cool going all over the place like it is. To drive all 64 LED`s I used 8 TLC5916 LED sink drivers, they work almost identically to the drivers in my LED cube project except they only have 8 outputs, I don`t bother with any multiplexing on the hat because I wanted to be able to do some PWM effects. The hats brain is an old atmega8 chip I had laying about and had never learned how to program until now. The circuit diagram is fairly basic as you can see below (yes I drew it in paint, what of it), just repeat the TLC5916 part 8 times continuing the SDO -> SDI chain. To program the ATmega8 chip I used my Arduino as an ISP with the ArduinoISP sketch, follow...

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