One Receiver

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

RF Cafe visitor David M. wrote to ask that I scan and post this article from the January 1963 edition of Popular Electronics. It is an article written by Philip Hatfield, of the Receiving Tube Department of General Electric that describe a very simple design that uses a ` compactron ` vacuum tube, which consist of two triodes and a pentode.

One Receiver
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The compactron was sort of a vacuum tube version of the multi-amplifier integrated circuit of today. They are still available for purchase on eBay for a couple bucks each. MOST of today`s short-wave receivers are truly sensitive and reliable devices, but they are also rather complex and expensive for the beginner to construct. Here`s a simple receiver, using one compactron tube, that will give you long-wave, broadcast-band, and short-wave reception. If you are considering putting your first receiver together, this one is for you. If you, have an amateur-band-only receiver, this unit will fill in some of the "holes" in the spectrum. Finally, if you already have a general-coverage receiver, this set will make a good "auxiliary" to tuck a way on a corner of the desk just in, case your "big" one quits. Use of a compactron allows a lot of receiver to be contained in a small box without undue crowding. the frequency range covered is from 250 kc. all the way to 16 mc. ; and, since plug-in coils are used, it`s possible to extend the range in either direction. Plenty of headphone volume is provided, and many signals will operate the built-in speaker in a very satisfactory manner. The Circuit. The 6AF11 compactron contains two triodes and a pentode. One triode is used a regenerative detector, the other as an audio voltage amplifier, and the pentode as an audio power amplifier. Plug-in coils containing primary (L1), secondary (L2),...

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