Low voltage DC motor speed control circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Here is the circuit diagram of a low voltage /low power DC motor speed controller based on the IC TDA 7274 from ST Microelectronics. The IC TDA 7274 is a monolithic integrated DC motor speed controller intended for low voltage/ low power applications. Built in internal voltage reference voltage, wide input voltage range (1. 8 t0 6V), high linearity

Low voltage DC motor speed control circuit
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, 700mA output current, excellent temperature stability etc make this IC well suitable for almost all low power DC motor speed control applications. The motor to be controlled is connected between pin3 (Vs) and pin4 (output) of the IC. Resistor network comprising of R1, R2, and R3 is the section that deals with the speed control. Control pin (pin8) of the IC is connected to the junction of R2 and R3 and the speed of the motor varies linearly according to the position of POT R3. Capacitor C1 rectifies the fluctuations in motor speed and capacitor C2 cancels the motor spikes. hi i am looking for a circuit that could control the following motor( with a variable resistor. i want to control the speed from zero to fairly fast. could you offer any adivice. this is the closest as i have come to an answer Thank you very much for publishing this super simple but great Circuit diagram. I already brought all the parts required. But only one problem Is. I am new in Electronics. I don`t know how how to count IC (TDA7274)pins/connectors. Which one is #3, 4, 5, 6, &8 i m looking for a circuit that can control dc motor speed and its direction of rotation and also i want to display the speed of the motor. plz help me m really worried about my project to be submitted very soon give a circuit which would run the motor at (say ”30%, 60%, 100% )of the maximum speed of motor using only 12V, 1A supply transformed through 230V, 5A The TDA7274 was...

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