Simple ADS-B Receiver

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The new project uses old analog satellite receiver tuners that have to be modified so that the AFC is disabled and the AGC usually set to maximum gain. The output is the 480MHz IF signal. The IF converter can be for example a Satellite receiver with 70 MHz IF output or a TV receiver / converter tweaked to 1090 MHz input and the IF taken after the

Simple ADS-B Receiver
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

SAW. The TV converter solution gives excellent results and the satellite receiver at 70 MHz works just as well but need a handmade filter to filter the IF down to about 5 or 6 MHz bandwidth. A simple "Spider" antenna for 1090 MHz with a good Satellite line amplifier like the xxx is housed in a watertight container. About 30 meters of cable link this antenna to the reciever. The receiver is a FUBA xxx modified to run with an Lo of 1126 MHz and the PLL disabled as it does not work at this frequency. The input signal is again amplified by a xxx amplifier. The first BF494 amplifies the IF and the second BF494 buffers the signal which is then am demodulated. The quality of the demodulated signal can be adjusted by offsetting the bias of the BAT43 diode.

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