hv dc dc converter

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Occasionally high voltage is necessary for experimenting with traditional vacuum tubes, cold cathode displays or other circuits that require high voltage (B+) power supplies. There is a way to avoid high voltage for tube circuits by using space charge tubes but those tubes are difficult to find. Oscillator circuits can be used to provide high voltage with

hv dc dc converter
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modest power as a simple DC to DC converter. This HV [High Voltage] oscillator circuit uses a single round ferrite piece for a transformer core. The diameter of this ferrite core is 8 [MM], and it is 19 [MM] long, but these dimensions are NOT critical. Almost any ferrite piece will do nicely. Standard transformer laminations are not very useable for this project because of their heavy iron magnetizing losses due to the high oscillator frequency. If a long ferrite antenna rod is available - from an old radio - a small piece can be broken off to serve the purpose. Even an old threaded ferrite tuning screw from an RF coil will be fine, or a small size toroid coil - if it is ferrite and not powdered iron - will be even better. It is onto this ferrite core the L3 coil is wound first. L3 is 400 turns using 0. 1-0. 2 [MM] enameled, solid copper wire. Almost any size wire is useable but it has to fit onto the core. Nothing fancy required with this winding, it is just done by free hand. Once this high voltage coil is made the rest of the HV transformer is easy. Using heavier gage enameled wire, or even regular general purpose hook-up wire, whatever is available, L1 - 15 Turns and L2 - 5 Turns coils are made. The wire gage and the number of turns can be varied around bit. With more turns the secondary voltage available will decrease - along with the frequency - in accordance with the turn ratio. Winding less turns is not advised as...

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