lm339 and bit of fun with accelerometer

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Here`s a simple schematic of one of the parts, the idea is that if the probed voltage is below half point, one LED will be on, otherwise second one will be on. Also, now I think I`ll need to oompff the power on this thing, proper dc motor with some gearbox that`ll have enough torque is 12V, I think (correct me if I`m wrong of course). Now, I migh

lm339 and bit of fun with accelerometer
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t actually ditch that transistor all together and just end up using two 741. Because the idea is to have H-bridge drive motor one or the other way depending on the input voltage. When its below 1/2 Vcc, one way, above - the other way. Will it work is a different matter, but I`ll save quite few transistors if that`s the case. Since my motor turned out to be crap, I want to try 2x 1. 5v-3v motors with 1:100 gear, loads of torque ! But they`re heavy, and need shit loads of current (0. 35A on 3V each !). Also from the video the motors look quite slow for a balancing robot, You mainly need fast motors so it can correct it before it leans too much And as with most fast and sensitive regulations you will likely need some resistors and caps in feedback loops to tune the response of the regulator. I saw someone make a balancing robot using a 555 timer so you like try looking at that for ideas When stopped with pliers it draws about 1A, so that might be something to watch out for. If I had to design the h-bridge myself, I would probably have some cut-off protection once current draw goes over certain amount. Speed is important too, but that can be cured with voltage. Motor is 1. 5V-3V, so I reckon I could get away with 3. 3 or even 3. 6V if need be, to make it faster. and I think I need to find analog gyro. I think ST have a chip that does that, but suckers don`t like to support small businesses and refuse to send me samples. So I`ll...

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