low noise receive aerial

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This afternoon I have returned to 10m WSPR. There are lots of transatlantic reports of my signal, as well as reports of my 2W signal from Russia and Brazil. Sackville Gardens springing into bloom - Sackville Gardens is one of too few oases in Manchester city centre, and for a couple of weeks each year its trees can parade themselves, almost peacoc

low noise receive aerial
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k. Blonde Sleep Over - Every now and again, the Two Blondes decide that they haven`t seen enough of each other and organise a sleepover. We didn`t call them that until one of. Shining Tor at Dusk - *Tuesday 1st April 2014 * *An evening walk up Shining Tor in the western Peak District * Distance: 6km; Ascent: 280m; Dry with light winds; Solo See tracke. A Cafe Akto- style Intermission - [image: bleabeck force in teesdale] Enthusiastic readers may well have noticed that me and Dawn have a poor record in completing a trip without some kin. The Year in Books - April - I`m linking up with Laura at Circle of Pine Trees for `The Year in Books` to blog my reads this year. At the end of February, I chose just one book for Ma. White Bear, Hyde Road - White Bear, Hyde Road, Gorton. (c) Manchester Local Image Collection. Click here to view full image [1]. The White Bear stood on the corner of Kinley Stre. Day 3 - Holme Pierrepoint to Beyond Fiskerton - 3 April (0855-1840) Distance: 17 miles Fitbit steps: 38650 Weather: heavily overcast and very misty, dry until a few moments before the flysheet went on N. Kentmere Reservoir - Todays wander was in the Kentmere valley, including a circuit of the Reservoir. My old mate Bill was out with me today, we had a good natter and catch up a. Happy in my own skin - Hiya peeps, in complete contrast from last nights offering, I woke up a completely different person today. Every day is a fresh new...

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