Speech Recognition Circuit

Posted on Mar 10, 2013

The demonstration circuit operates in the HM2007's manual mode. This mode uses a simple keypad and digital display to communicate with and program the HM2007 chip. When the circuit is turned on, the HM2007 checks the static RAM. If everything checks out the board displays `00` on the digital display and lights the red LED (READY). It is in the `Ready` waiting for a command. To train the circuit begin by pressing the word number you want to train on the keypad. The circuit can be trained to recognize up to 40 words. Use any numbers between 1 and 40. For example press the number `1` to train word number 1.

Speech Recognition Circuit
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Speech Recognition Circuit - image 1
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When you press the number(s) on the keypad the red led will turn off. The number is displayed on the digital display. Next press the "#" key for train. When the "#" key is pressed it signals the chip to listen for a training word and the red led turns back on. Now speak the word you want the circuit to recognize into the microphone clearly. The LED should blink off momentarily, this is a signal that the word has been accepted. Continue training new words in the circuit using the procedure outlined above. Press the "2" key then "#" key to train the second word and so on. The circuit will accept up to forty words. You do not have to enter 40 words into memory to use the circuit. If you want you can use as many word spaces as you want. Testing Recognition The circuit is continually listening. Repeat a trained word into the microphone. The number of the word should be displayed on the digital display. For instance if the word "directory" was trained as word number 25. Saying the word "directory" into the microphone will cause the number 25 to be displayed.

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