380MHz RF2175 linear amplifier circuit diagram

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in FIG constituted by 380MHz RF2175 linear amplifier application circuit. Radio frequency (RF) signal input from 6 feet, after the preamplifier, after the last stage p

380MHz RF2175 linear amplifier circuit diagram
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ower amplifier output is amplified by 12 and 13 feet. 6 feet and internal amplifier is directly coupled, so plus a blocking coupling capacitor. Output terminals 12, 13 feet and 14 feet are connected inside the chip, usually 12, 13 feet connected together externally as an output signal. 12 and 13 feet as the final stage amplifier power supply terminal, providing a bias current through these pins to the final amplifier. As the foot 14 of the second harmonic filter circuit using a transmission line or an inductor and capacitor form a resonant filter at 2f0, provide low impedance for the second harmonic, effectively shorting the second harmonic. 8 feet to enable voltage VREG, the pin voltage can be controlled so as to control power supply. When the voltage is low, the power amplifier is turned off; when the voltage is high (2.8V), the power amplifier in the standard working condition. 8-pin external 100pF external high frequency filter capacitor. 16 feet to VBIAS, the foot control efficiency at low power mode circuit, the pin should be set to 2.8V at full power.

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