Detected distance with ultrasonic receiver circuit diagram

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

The circuit voltage 9V, current consumption is only 5mA, the home can be adjusted within the range of 150 ~ 180kHz frequency,

Detected distance with ultrasonic receiver circuit diagram
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a bandwidth of about 20kHz, to ensure that only wider than 70us pulse to pass and be amplified. The receiver input terminal is directly connected to the sensor, and thus that is connected to the oscillator. In the event of an ultrasonic pulse, the signal voltage at the base of T1 by the diodes D1, D2 limit to a lower value. Transistors T1 and T5 constitute two high-frequency amplifier, and then by the rectifier D3, as threshold switch control output transistors T6, the threshold adjustment by R6. Transistors T2, T3, T4 as an additional stage for controlling the first high frequency stage. Transformer winding data: end 6 to 1: 200 turns, 0.03mm copper wire; end 3 ~ 2: 95-turn, 0.03mm copper wire.

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