HI-FI Audio Amplifier 60W

Posted on Nov 15, 2012

This amplifier has a high quality circuit that includes full sort circuit protection and very low T.H.D. at full range of frequency. It needs simmetrical power supply +-40V. The power transistors at the output are connected as DARLINGTON and both needs heatsinks. The power can reach 60 watts at 8 ohms or 80 Watts at 4 ohms..

HI-FI Audio Amplifier 60W - image 1
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Characteristics: power= 60 watts at 8 ohms or 80 Watts at 4 ohms power supply=+-40 Volts current concumption= 50mA - 4A Frequency range: 5-35000 Hz Sencitivity= 0-1 dbm (0.707-1.5V) Amplification= 24 T.H.D. = 0.05 at 1Khz 0.08 at 10 Khz 0.1 at 20 Khz ---------------------------------- Parts: R1=27K R2,6=470 R3=10K R4=47K R5,12,18=1K R7=12 R8,9,10,14,17,19,20=100 R11=3,9K R13=180 R15,16=0,15 R21,22=470 P=4,7K D1-D6=1N4148 C1,4,6=100uF/63V C2=22uF/63V C3=4,7uF/25V C5=220uF/16V C7=330pf TR1=2N2219 TR2,3,7=2N2905 TR4,6=BD237 TR5=BD238 TR8,9=2N3055 ------------------------------

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