Electronic type bass equalization circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Electronic bass equalizer type of two quad op amp circuit, you can use TL084 high-speed operational amplifier circuit shown in Figure 9-680 left and right channels through R1,

Electronic type bass equalization circuit
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R2 were mixed units, build a total of bass level adjustment potentiometer (for logarithmic). Al is a buffer amplifier, A2 constituting the second-order high-pass filter corner frequency of 20Hz, filtered subwoofer sound signal outside the band where o ~ and constitute a key part of the circuit - Dying sound equalization circuit oA3 constitute multiport negative feedback active second order band-pass filter, a central rate of the amount of 20Hz, 20Hz or less signal 12dB per octave attenuation. ~ And Rg, Rio, G constitute bass boost network 1 from the beginning to around 220Hz octave slope by 3dB boost bass from 7Hz Liu 2,2, OHz 30dBoRr and co-promotion with Di ~ constituting the inverting adder circuit, A2 output signal plus A3 bandpass signal, so at 20 lift increase, balanced response is smooth o

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