10 w amplifier using tda2003

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is a circuit diagram of amplifier circuit, these circuits have a 10W audio power amplifier using TDA2003 IC from SGS Thomson popular. The IC can easily provide 10W into 4 Ohms load at 18V DC supply voltage. IC can also be operated from 12V and that makes it applicable in a car audio system. Useful features include TDA2003 short circuit protec

10 w amplifier using tda2003
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tion between all pins, thermal overload protection, low harmonic distortion, low distortion. The circuit given here is designed according to the datasheet from the manufacturer and found to be working well. The following is a schematic drawing: C7 capacitor DC input work decoupling. R2 and R3 are used to adjust the gain of R1 determines amplifier. C3 and cut off the top frequency. C6 and R4, and is intended to increase the stability of high frequency. The capacitor C5 couples the output to the speakers. You can try this circuit diagram for your car audio power amplifier or to a small room.

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