12vdc 220vac inverter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit inverter converts 12V DC battery to AC 22oV as the replacement of home energy. The inverter can be used for small electronic devices such as lamps, radio, phone charger, disc player, etc. The inverter circuit is a central component, the CMOS 4047, and converts a DC voltage of 12 V to 220 V AC voltage. 4047 is used as an astable multiv

12vdc 220vac inverter
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ibrator. The pin 10 and 11 we find a symmetrical rectangular signal is amplified by Darlington transistors T1 and T2 trailer, and finally reaches the secondary coil of a transformer of the network (2 x 10V/100VA). Primary coil voltage is 220 AC voltage terminals. For best performance, use a toroidal core transformer with low losses. P1 to the output frequency can be regulated within certain limits (50. 400 Hz).

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