2001 chevy s10: indicator light headlight switchfuserelay bulbs

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

2001 chevy s10 headlights some times work some times dont along with dash indicator light. all other lights work fine. I have changed headlight switch, fuse, relay. checked headlight bulbs. all wires to bulbs are possitive. Yes, I took test lamp and hooked ground to one side and the other side to the wire on head light plug. test lamp came on. I hooked

2001 chevy s10: indicator light headlight switchfuserelay bulbs
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a wire from ground side of battery to one of the head light plug wires. head lights came on. I hooked a ground wire to the other plug wire and lights got brighter. If you can decode this, it shows that the dimmer switch provides a ground to the high and low beams to complete the circuit, when the DRLs are not on. When DRLs are on, a ground path is provided to the lights AFTER the dimmer switch, so that is why they do work. You could do some more testing at the base of the steering column to double confirm this by checking the pins shown in the schematic (E11, E12, & E13), but it sure sounds like that is the issue. In the process of changing the multifunction switch, did you check that Pin E13 of the connector (Yellow wire) was connected to a good ground And did you check that the switch was switching that ground between Pins E11 & E12 Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you`ve got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers. Justanswer. com. Traffic on JustAnswer rose 14 percent. and had nearly 400, 000 page views in 30 days. inquiries related to stress, high blood pressure, drinking and heart pain jumped 33 percent. I was having a terrible problem with the wheel bearings on my 98 Chevy Cavalier and I suspect that using this website saved me plenty of time and money. Todd L Rochester NY I was having a terrible problem with the wheel bearings on my 98...

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