70W Stereo Audio Amplifier Circuit based STA550

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is a stereo amplifier circuit diagram. The amplifier will produce stereo output channel with the power audio output can reach up to 70W for each channel. The amplifier built based great amplifier chip STA550 from STMicroelectronics. Take a note that this amplifier is a bridge amplifier, the speaker`s terminal should not connected to the groun

70W Stereo Audio Amplifier Circuit based STA550
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

d line. An audio amplifier is an electronic amplifier that amplifies low-power audio signals (signals composed primarily of frequencies between 20 - 20 000 Hz, the human range of hearing) to a level suitable for driving loudspeakers and is the final stage in a typical audio playback chain. The preceding stages in such a chain are low power audio amplifiers which perform tasks like pre-amplification, equalization, tone control, mixing/effects, or audio sources like record players, CD players, and cassette players. Most audio amplifiers require these low-level inputs to adhere to line levels. While the input signal to an audio amplifier may measure only a few hundred microwatts, its output may be tens, hundreds, or thousands of watts. More explanation about power audio amplifier can be found at wikipedia. org This is a video tutorial about how to a very simple audio amplifier based on the LM386 amplifier chip. It can be built for less than $20 (or might be less than $8 in some countries) and used to amplify any low level audio signal including a guitar, bass or mp3 player.

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