
Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is example project in which the 8051 is Producing PWM outputs for seperate two channels, The PWM can be used to control the phase angle of SCR or triace for power control of any AC load like Heater Motor Fan, this project can be used as heater power controller. The shift registers are attached with microcontroller 8051 to increase the number

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of input and out put lines for the interfacing of a large number of external devices. Interface a large Load bank of solid stat relays with microcontroller 8051 and switch ON OFF through computer via serial interface RS232 The microcontroller 8051 has 32 IOs lines, and some times more external devices are required to attach with 8051 for controlling purpose. In this project Interface of 50 relays with microcontroller for serial control through PC shift register are used for io port expansion. Elevator or lift controller using microcontroller 8051 for three floors. This elevator controller based on microcontroller 8051 and can be used for the lift of passengers or cargo. This is example project for lift controller can be easily modified to use any other microcontroller. GSM based security system for home and office, a SMS alert will be done on any problem at security. The SMS based security system uses microcontroller 8051, it is interfaced with GSM modem or GSm mobile for wrieless communication.

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