ADUC832 1.3MIPS 8052 MCU + 62kB Flash + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DAC

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The ADUC836 MicroConverter is a fully integrated 16-bit data acquisition system-on-a-chip. Like all of ADI`s MicroConverter products, it features precision A/D & D/A conversion and a Flash Microcontroller on a single chip. The ADUC836 is 100% backward compatible (hardware and software) with the ADuC816. It is available in 52-pin PQFP or 56-pin CSP

ADUC832 1.3MIPS 8052 MCU + 62kB Flash + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DAC
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packages and operates on a 3V or 5V power supply. The device operates from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLL generating a high frequency Clock of 12. 58 MHz. This Clock is routed through a programmable Clock divider from which the MCU core Clock operating frequency is generated. The Microcontroller core is an 8052 and therefore 8051 instruction set compatible with 12 core Clock periods per machine cycle. By Analog Devices, Inc.

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