Suspended Bicore circuit for robots

Posted on Feb 5, 2013

The bicore is the basis of advanced BEAM! Most intermediate to advanced BEAM robots are built off of the bicore. Uses go all the way from photovores to servo motor drivers to walkers to.... You get the idea. What it is is basically just an oscillator who's outputs go (+ - , - +, + -, - +....) and the rate of oscillations is controlled by the resister (R1). Another cool thing is that they can be grouped together to form large complex structures. Really a very cool circuit once you figure out how it works. R1 R1 controls the rate of oscillation. If you want quick oscillations you use a low value resister, long oscillations you use large value resister. I normally don't use values below 100K or over 10M, 1.6M is a common value.

Suspended Bicore circuit for robots
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

As I noted above it has a very wide range of uses. Photovores, light seeking heads, walkers, servo motor drivers.... Just to name a few. The walker category is HUGE!! There's walkers with 2 motors to 12 motors. No sensors to electronic compasses and sonar. A single bicore can't do much other than blink a couple LEDs or make a motor go back (which is sometimes what you might want) but they are most useful in groups. R1 (see circuit notes) 1 Digikey See circuit notes .22uF Capacitor 2 Digikey P4966-ND 74AC240 1 Digikey 74AC240PC-ND

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