AVR robots

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The line is purposefully not straight, to see how it would do with zig-zags and splits, as are normal for the Chibots advanced line-following contest. The AVRcam is a small, real-time image processing engine capable of tracking colorful objects. The system was specifically designed to provide the everyday-hobbyist with a vision system that can be easily

AVR robots
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added to their projects (robot, security, monitoring, etc). Based on the Atmel AVR mega8 microcontroller and the Omnivision OV6620 CMOS image sensor, the AVRcam has the following capabilities: In addition, the AVRcam is supported for demonstration and calibration by a PC application called AVRcamVIEW. This software provides the following capabilities: Adjust the precision of each tracked color (i. e. provide a range of acceptable R-G-B values for each color), allowing the user to adjust the Color Map to the available lighting conditions The AVRcam hardware has evolved several times since the project began in April of 2004. As can be seen in Figure 1, the hardware is very straight forward. An Atmel AVR mega8 provides the main processing needed by the system. The Omnivision OV6620 CMOS image sensor is connected directly to the mega8 to access important camera signals (pixel clock, horizontal and vertical sync, and, of course, the data busses). A new addition to the hardware is the AVR Tiny12, which is a small 8-pin microcontroller. This micro was added to the system to configure the OV6620 to output its clock signal on one of its pins. This clock signal is then used by the mega8 as its clock source. Having a single clock source shared between the mega8 and the OV6620 provides the necessary synchronization to allow the system to process the real-time stream of pixel data. The AVRcam embedded software is divided up into a set...

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