Design a esthetic and energy-conserving acousto-optic controlled lighting lamp of corridor

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The optically-controlled circuit has essential function in urban street lamps or corridors are lighted, adopt the optically-controlled circuit, can open and shut off the lighting lamp automatically according to power of the light, make sure nobody automaticallies control, can lighten workers` labor intensity, valid power saving. But optically-cont

Design a esthetic and energy-conserving acousto-optic controlled lighting lamp of corridor
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rolled circuit have defect their, night there is no light, the lighting lamp will be working, in this way, will cause the waste of resources, will shorten the life-span of the lighting lamp too. Add one the intersection of sound control and circuit on the basis of optically-controlled circuit at this moment, make lighting circuit when there is no lighting, only controlled by sound, when there are sound of one`s walking or other high sound, automatic working of the lighting circuit. When the sound disappears, the lighting lamp goes out automatically, this needs to add a time delay circuit on condition that the optically-controlled circuit unite the job with the circuit of sound control, after making the lighting lamp light, went out automatically after certain time of delaying time. This text designed the acousto-optic controlled lighting lamp, when this circuit has acoustical signal at night, lighting lamp Use LED luminotron simulation Light; Delay 5 seconds when being silent, go out; If the sound interval is smaller than 5 seconds, then LED lights continuously. The voiced-unvoiced is not lighted in the daytime. The small and exquisite esthetic and practical energy-conservation of this fund, can be installed to fix to can nail with the mosquito on the own gate on corridor, can also be used in the factory building, the construction site. Using this kind of lighting circuit, people needn`t try to find out the switch in the...

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