Actuator circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This controller is essentially 3 pairs of LED sensors in a 3G -bridge configuration. The driver is capable of operating 3 actuators. The motors are connected in a Delta configuration. The apexes of the delta are connected to the center connection of each half-bridge. Of course only 2 actuators are required as the third is stationary and fixed. Whe

Actuator circuit
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n a pair of LEDs turns on the associated top SCR the bottom SCRs of the other half bridges is turned on and movement of the shadow mask is toward this LED. If 2 or more LED turn on conditions occur multiple SCRs in both the top and bottom will fire. In many circuits this would be a disastrous condition, however, in this circuit the only thing that happens is there is no movement and the storage capacitor is discharged. Actually this condition won`t happen in normal circumstances when the light is bright. The LED sensors are arranged in a circle of 6 with a shadow mask sized to exactly illuminate each LED 50%. They are connected in pairs at opposite sides of the circle. A picture is worth way more than a thousand words. As US4798949 and US3945015 teaches us that a U-joint keeps the mirror from tipping I have a rigidly mounted U-joint at the top. The other U-joints could be ball joints if one can find ball joints that can take high angles. US4798949 needs the other 4 U-joints because of the use of linear actuators. These generally require that the far end be prevented from rotating. The U-joint solved this problem for him. But technically, only the single lower U-joint prevents the mirror from tipping. I worked out a method where I can eliminate the need for limit switches in the actuator. If a crank is used the motion can`t run into the end and jam as in a linear actuator. The protection limit switches can be eliminated. My...

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