Audio Amplifiers 8

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

a year ago I designed a class-D amplifier based on the TAS5162, pcm1808 and TAS5086. During the year, was made a few hundred samples intended to be sold to radio amateurs. Most devices are functioning properly and not cause any complaints from consumers. But some instances do not work properly. in some cases, users complain about the failure of

Audio Amplifiers 8
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these chips in the long run the amplifier (more than 30min). First TAS5162 overheats and goes into protection mode, and then closes the power PVDD to GND, GND_x. Then comes the smoke and body chip breaks. 4. Why increase the supply voltage over 37V (Rl = 4Ohm - resistor) causes modulation of the output signal from the noise This triggered a primary protection OCP Sometimes there is a click when connecting / disconnecting the input from pcm1808. Then the sound just disappears. No reset or hardware enable / disable (pins PDN, RST) TAS5086 does not return it to normal operation. Only after the power cycling circuit begins to operate normally. The same problem sometimes happens in my other amplifier on the basis of TAS5504 b) WhenSD isset low by TAS5162, microcontroller U15 sets TAS5086 to PDN mode. If SD returns to normal state (high), U15 restarts TAS5086 to operating conditions. 6. Last week I tried to course abnormal functioning of the device, then TAS5162 goes to protection state or fails. Following your post «The low pass filter is critical to the operation of the chip » I used CDRH127/LD-100NC in channel no. 1, and self-made coil inductors in channel no. 2, so I could observe their influence. During the increase of input signal level, the sine signal on the exit begins to be limited by supply voltage and gets a square form. BUT! At the certain moment it`s modulated with about 50kHz sine. It looks like autogeneration As...

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