HANGMAN schematic

Posted on Nov 12, 2012

Everybody likes re-discovering something they did years ago. Here`s a game we all played at school. Possibly under the name of HANG THE BUTCHER. The game is quite simple. One player thinks of a word and writes down the number of letters in that word in the form of boxes or dashes. The object of the game is for the opponent to suggest letters of the alphabet, and if they are correct, are placed on the dashes in the correct order so that the word gradually appears.

HANGMAN schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

This is an electronic version of that game. The stick man and gallows are made with 15 LED`s and each time a TOUCH PLATE is touched, one more section of the cartoon is illuminated. The last LED`s to be lit are 14 and 15, which represent the fee

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