Complete SS Laser Power Supply Schematics

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This chapter contains circuit diagrams for several power supplies for pulsed solid state lasers. These include units suitable for driving the popular Hughes ruby and YAG rangefinder laser assemblies as well, one using the flash from a disposable pocket camera, and a high energy flashlamp power supply for that 8 inch long surplus NOVA laser rod you

Complete SS Laser Power Supply Schematics
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have been saving. :) The pulse forming network is what determines the performance of a pulsed solid state laser. Thus, there is a great deal of flexibility in the design of the capacitor charger and trigger circuits. Systems designed for other applications can often be adapted for solid state laser power supplies. See the chapter: SS Laser Power Supplies for more information. And the schematics in this chapter can be easily modified for larger, smaller, or different types of solid state lasers. WARNING: All of these systems are potentially lethal - some just more lethal than others. Hey, but when you`re dead, it probably doesn`t matter how well done you are. Before even thinking about building or going near one of these systems, make sure you have thoroughly read, understand, and follow the laser and electrical safety guideline provided elsewhere in this document! PFN1 (manufacturer and model unidentified) is a combination of a 36 uF, 950 V energy storage capacitor, 0. 03 mH inductor, automatic bleeder circuit, and various connectors and other stuff. The capacitor is marked with its rating but the inductor is not and its value was determined by performing a `ring test` using both a separate high-Q 1 uF capacitor and then the one in the PFN. The original application for PFN1 was most likely to be used with the SSY1 laser head (see the section: A Small Nd:YAG Laser - SSY1 ). The maximum useful energy into the flashlamp is...

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