Device Control Using Telephone

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Controlling devices using switches are common. From a few decades controlling devices using remote control switches like infrared remote control switch, wireless remote control switches, light activated switches are becoming popular. But these technologies have their own limitations. Laser beams are harmful to mankind. Some technologies like IR re

Device Control Using Telephone
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mote control are used for short distance applications. In such case if we have system which does not require any radiations or which is not harmful, long remote control switch! Yes here is the solution. Here I am introducing such a system which does not require any radiations, any laser beam which has no limitation of range, I mean it can be used from any distance from meters to thousand kilometers using a simple telephone line or mobilephone. Here I am using a telephone as a media, which serves main part of this system, by using home phone as a local phone and another phone, either landline or mobile phone as a remote phone. 1. You can control up to 10 devices. It may be any electric or electronic appliances or devices with simple to heavy appliances. Each device is given a unique code. 4. Your local phone (i. e. , home phone or office phone) can be usedfor normal use by using a DPDT switch. So you need not use a separate telephone line for this device controlling. 5. To perform any operations through remote phone line, the user needs to dial to the local telephone (to which the interfacing circuit is connected) then the respective code of the device is dialed. 6. This circuit does not require any complex IC, so any one with little knowledge of electronics can construct this circuit, because it does not need any programmable IC`s or programming. 8. This device saves your money. This circuit switches OFF after a time of 60...

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