USB AVR In-System-Programmer (ISP)

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Nowadays, USBis the most popular connection connection between PC and peripherals such as AVR programmers, printers, scanners etc. For that reason I had to modify my old serial AVR In-System-Programmer (ISP) to work with USB connection. You can say, `use a USB to Serial adaptorto connect your AVR ISP with your PC`. Yes, that could be a solution bu

USB AVR In-System-Programmer (ISP)
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

t itwould cost memoremoney than a singe FT232BM chipbecauseIhad to include an USB to RS232 adaptor and apower supply for myprogrammer. (almost ‚¬30). So, the solution was to replace the two transistors, that were used to adapt the RS-232 voltage levels to TTL voltage levels, with a USB to RS-232 chip such asFT-232BM. Initially, I used the John Samperi`s firmware V3. 2 but afterwardsI found out the Klaus Leidinger`s firmware that was a little bit faster. So, I chose the second one firmware but I had to modify the source codeto work with 11. 0592MHz crystal instead of 7. 3724MHz that was initially designed because I couldn`t find this crystal in the market. This programmer worked perfect with AVRprog but then I found a software that could support much moreAVR devices than the AVRprog could program. This software is AvrOspII V5. 47. Following the schematic diagramthat I read in the FT232BM manual I made the connections between ATtiny2313 and FT232BM. The FT232BM requires a few and ordinary components to work. When you connect this circuit to your PC you will see the message " a new hardware was found" and then the factory name of FT232BM. IC1 is a serial EEPROM that used to store user`s settings. So, you can rename this programmer to be appeared as "AVR In-System-Programmer" or "MyAVR programmer". Furthermore, you can add the firmware version of your circuit. Of cource, you can bypass this component because it`s optional. I...

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