Solar Cell Voltage Regulator

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This device is designed to be a simple, inexpensive comparator`, intended for use in a solar cell power supply setup where a quick too low` or just right` voltage indicator is needed. The circuit consists only of one 5V regulator, two transistors, two LEDs, five resistors, two capacitors, and one small battery. Although a 4-V battery is indicated,

 Solar Cell Voltage Regulator
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

4. 5 V (3 alkalines in series) or 3. 6 V (3 NiCd cells in series) will also work. The specifications of voltage regulator IC1 are mainly determined by the size and number of the solar cells and the current pull of the equipment connected to the output. Here the low-drop 4805 is suggested but other regulators may work equally well as long as you observe the output voltage of the solar cells. Transistors T1 and T2 are complementary types i. e. one each of the pnp and npn variety.

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