Dtmf Generator At90s4414

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This application note describes a controller for a 200 W, 24 V Brushless DC (BLDC) motor used to power an electric bike. The design uses Zilog`s Z8 Encore! MC Z8FMC16100 Microcontroller unit (MCU) and associated circuitry to implement motoring control, regenerative braking, and fault protection. Protection Logic for over-voltage, over-cur- ren

Dtmf Generator At90s4414
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t, and thermal protection. Discussion The Z8FMC16100 Series Flash MCU features a flexible Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) module with three complementary pairs or six independent PWM outputs supporting dead-band operation and fault protection trip input. These features provide multiphase control capability for a variety of motor The Z8FMC16100 Series MCU features up to eight single-ended channels of 10-bit analog-to- digital conversion (ADC), with a Sample and Hold circuit. It also features one Operational Amplifier for current sampling and one Comparator for over- current limiting or shutdown. A high-speed ADC enables voltage, current, and back-EMF sensing, while dual-edge interrupts and a 16-bit Timer provide a Hall-effect Sensor inter- face.

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