Electrical Print Reading

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The diagram is useful when replacing components since it shows component locations. It also identifies the wires by certain colors and identifies the specific component terminals that the wires are connected to. The most common types of diagrams are connection ladder, and wiring. Each type is best suited for certain purposes or aspects of maintenance of electrical equipment.

Electrical Print Reading
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Ladder and wiring diagrams are both referred to as ``schematic diagrams`` or just ``schematics``. ``Schematic`` diagrams are somewhat abstract and less pictorial than connection diagrams. They may or may not indicate exactly where the components and wires are physically located, but they will always show the current path between components and they will symbolically indicate the function of each component. ```Figure 2``` is a combination ladder and wiring diagram of a ``reduced voltage motor starter. ``It does not resemble the actual equipment in any way. However, tracing our circuits on it is much easier than on a connection diagram, since components with related functions are usually grouped together. In ```Figure 2```, the ``input ``power lines (L1, L2, and L3) and the components that conduct electrical energy to the motor are shown on the right side of the diagram. This portion of the diagram also shows the ``series resistors`` (R1, R2, and R3) that reduce voltage to the motor during startup. The ``control ``section and its various components are shown on the left side of the diagram. Included in this section are the ``pushbutton switches`` (PB1 and PB2), ``relay coils`` (M1, TR1, and CR1) and associated ``contacts``, ``fuse``, and ``step-down transformer. ``M1 is a magnetic motor starter coil, TR1 is a timer relay, and CR1 is a contactor coil. In this article, we begin with the building blocks and basic elements used...

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