Geomagnetic field detectors

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This basic oscillator will detect the Earth magnetic field. The ferrite rod and coil are taken from an old Medium Wave receiver and a small magnet is glued at one end. Tune to a medium wave commercial station until you hear a beat note. Any movement of the ferrite rod will produce an audible note that depends on the prevailing Earth magnetic field

Geomagnetic field detectors
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

. Screening is essential. Use a plastic box padded, on the inside, with copper wires running parallel to the rod and grounded in one place only. A small hole is made in the box in order to adjust the trimmer capacitor with a plastic screwdriver. An American equivalent to the BC337 could be the 2N2369A but I did not try it out.

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