Hobby and Fun

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Above ” 2 air variable capacitors and a copper clad board screwed onto a piece of wood for my bench musing. Regenerative receivers delight and amaze ” some builders take them very seriously. I respect this, but to me; they should be as simple as possible. I wanted a 2 stage `genny` receiver for this page and present 2 different receivers; 1 is my design, the others is a JFET

Hobby and Fun
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variant of a favorite W7ZOI circuit. Quoting Wes, W7ZOI "feedback your imagination". Some builders place a simple common gate or a common base RF preamp on the input to boost gain and reduce antenna radiation of the RF oscillator, while others place an RF gain control on the input ” usually a potentiometer; to prevent overloading the RF stage. I won`t prescribe what to do ” that`s up to you. There are countless example of regenerative receivers on the web and you can many spend hours viewing them. Some of the most intriguing are those built by Russian speaking experimenters. Example link. Above ” An experimental, ultra-simple "CW" receiver. At 5339 KHz I hear strong Morse code each night. It`s suggested to be from China, but I`m unsure. Connected to my 1/4 wave 40M band vertical - a simple matching network and trimmer tuning capacitor were fitted to the input. Here`s some audio. I like the beat note of this receiver - it has no regeneration control and is fixed for CW. Minimalist circuits are fun ” some hardcore regen builders might freak out; no voltage regulator (here`s a version with that + a T68-6 inductor), no regeneration control (here`s a version with that), a relatively low Q coil etc. I wanted to try my hand at design and not just copy someone else`s receiver. I call it the Stupid ”Simple receiver and although it emits crisp, warm audio, some bench work is required to get the correct bias and appropriate amount of...

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