How to install CCD camera sensor with VHF sender

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The CCD camera sensor is device that have very useful. This project has small size. But quality is a lot good. We can install with Television easily through the video in terminals. and connects to the video signal modulated to To send a broadcast RF signal is explicit is better. This project can be adapted to many applications such as installed in

How to install CCD camera sensor with VHF sender
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the bedroom children. To noticed the baby through the TV monitor. or When guest press a doorbell the front yard, we will know is who. or Application of an intercom to contact the visible image once. Installed in shops, factories and other places to secure it better. This small CCD camera video are model of ready-made digital camera has the connecting to use of 3 wire. Able to work in the dark or under illumination 0. 1 lux. Using an infrared beam. As described above the CCD model can be easily apply just correctly connects the power supply. We will be obtained the video signal level 10 volts peak to peak at impedance of the signal wire 75 ohms then connect to TV that has Video in immediately. But we must build the power supply circuit add the 1 set. By the characteristics of the circuit as follow in Figure 2. The working of power supply section will have the transformer T1 converts from AC220V to AC12V only, then into the D1-D4 diodes that is connected as the bridge rectifier into DCV out to C1-capacitor, which acts as a smoothing filter current is DCV again We need to create a section of the power supply circuit. As the PCB layout and the positioning equipment in Figure 3 Which can build by yourself easily. or If you do not want to use the PCB can be soldered directly to the equipment in Figure 4. We able to optimize this project with the Simple video transmitter circuit In the wireless to can be used with televisions...

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