Human Voice A1 Loud Clear English Talking Watch 2 Alarms Rooster Crow 12 24

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This particular model speaks in a pleasant female voice at the touch of a button, and if you need to be reminded of something during the day, it has an alarm function to, for example, wake you up from a nap at a prescribed time (via a live rooster alarm serenade. see buyer comments below). There`s also an every-hour-on-the hour time announcement, which I find annoying

Human Voice A1 Loud Clear English Talking Watch 2 Alarms Rooster Crow 12 24
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- got me into a heap of `trouble` once (see story way below) - but it`s a function some people like and will find useful. You have your choice, using another side button, of turning this feature on or off. There are many obvious possible uses. You`re in a dark movie theater, and want to know the time. Even in a dimly lit bar or niteclub, with all the noise, it can still be heard quite clearly. Or on a street with heavy ambient traffic noise. The elderly, or vision-impaired individuals, find them extremely practical. Also, many have been purchased by campers and backpackers. this is quite a good application, actually. Most people just want an easy to use, gadget type watch (women seem to be very impressed by them even more than most guys, not because of the gadget concept, but because of its practical value). The watch arrived just as Karen, my helper and I, were getting ready to leave for, IN, where Institute branch is. It was time for my 6-week checkup following the first PDT Laser surgery treatment on my left eye. I had Karen read the instructions for setting the time and, working under two strong magnifiers, I followed the instructions. When we arrived at the clinic, a nurse took me back to the last room in the building. I sat in the dark room, waiting my turn. Suddenly the rooster started crowing and I almost jumped out of the chair. It was so unexpected and loud that Karen heard it clear out in the waiting room. (The...

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