Infrared Fire-Cracker Igniter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Firecrackers are normally ignited by using a matchstick or a candle. You have to run away quickly after igniting the fuse of the firecracker. This method of igniting firecracker is unsafe, because the danger of the firecracker bursting before you reach a safe distance is always there. The device described here uses remote control, usually used wit

Infrared Fire-Cracker Igniter
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h TV receivers or CD players, to burst the fire-cracker. Thus the firecracker can be ignited from a safe distance using the circuit described below in conjunction with the remote control. In the diagram shown here, normally the output of IC1 is low and green LED2 is on` and the red LED3 off. ` This indicates that the circuit is ready for use. When any key on the remote control is pressed, output pin 3 of IRX1 (IR receiver module TSOP1738) goes low. This output is connected to pin 2 of IC1 via LED1 and resistor R4 to trigger the monostable operation of IC1. The output of IC1 remains high for a period equal to 1. 1G—R2G—C2. With the values of the components given in the circuit diagram here, the period works out to 3. 5 seconds approximately. This activates relay RL1 and red LED3 glows and green LED2 turns off. On` state of red LED3 indicates that the firecracker is about to burst. R7 is a small part of the element of an electric heater (220V, 1000W), which is kept away from the electronic circuit and connected to the relay contacts through a thick electric cable. The resistance value of short length of the heater element (R7) is 3 to 3. 5 ohms. A current of around 4 amperes flows through it when connected to a 12V battery. Flow of 4A current through R7 for 3. 5 seconds makes it red hot, which ignites the fire-cracker. The circuit is powered by a 12V, 7AH battery. IC2 provides about 9V for the operation of the circuit. The...

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