Measure your stress level Tension meter Schematic Diagram

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

If you, like so many other people in this day and age, arrive home from work stressed out and with the problems of the day still lingering, this simple little instrument will go a long way to relieving nervous tension. Of the various types of feedback devices, probably the best approach for the amateur experimenter is the Galvanograph, better known

Measure your stress level Tension meter Schematic Diagram
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as the Galvanic Skin Response Monitor. The instrument described here relies for its operation on changes in skin resistance in sympathy with changes in emotional state. An increase in tension level reduces skin resistance and, conversely, a decrease in tension is accompanied by an increase in skin resistance. The correlation between emotional stress and skin resistance is still not fully understood. What is known, though, is that minute changes in the permeability of the skin produce corresponding voltage variations across two electrode pads attached to two fingers on the same hand. These signal fluctuations are amplified and fed to an oscillator to produce an audible tone. A decrease in pitch therefore signifies a decrease in tension, and vice-versa. A visual indicator in the form of a panel meter also aids the user in monitoring tension levels. The monitor is quite sensitive to fluctuations. During use, a sudden moment of stress, even a deep sigh, will increase the pitch and cause a shift of the meter needle. Circuit Details In the circuit diagram of Fig. 1, IC1 is configured as an astable multivibrator to drive an 8-ohm miniature speaker LS1 via capacitor C3, resistor R6 and volume control potentiometer VR2. The latter allows users to set a desired level and avoid it becoming a distraction. Whereas the trigger input of IC1 is normally connected to the positive rail via a resistor in a conventional 555 oscillator, here...

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