Multi-Purpose Booster and Buffer

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is the complete schematic for the circuit that is contained on the AMZ Multi-Purpose PC Board. None of the example circuits will utilize every part that has been positioned on the board. Extra parts have been included to add flexibility and options to the boards. The basic idea is to create a single pc board that can be used to make multiple

Multi-Purpose Booster and Buffer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

projects, including boosters, buffers and more. If a part is not shown on the schematic or in the parts list for one of the circuits, then it is not required for that project and can be left empty on the pcb. The circular object immediately above the "Gr" designation is the transistor location (Q1). It is large enough to accomodate even a TO-5 package. The small tab on the bottom left edge is the indicator for the emitter lead. When using a TO-92 bipolar transistor (E-B-C), it should be oriented with the flat side facing to the right. This puts the emitter at the bottom and the collector at the top. The base lead will have to be bent slightly to fit in the middle hole. Note that a BC108 style transistor is C-B-E and should have the flat side facing left. Always check your transistor datasheet to find the proper pin designations. There are a few more special items to note on the pc board. First, there is a small circular pad immediately above the printed R3 designation on the board. This pad is only used for a couple of circuits and is ignored the rest of the time. Second, the R5 position has three pads in the middle between the resistor pads. These are for an optional trimpot that is used as the R5 resistor for some circuit variations. If the trimpot is not specified, the pads are ignored and the resistor soldered across the pads above and below the R5 box. Also, polarity signs have been added for C2, C3 and C4; they are...

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