Oscillator DesignGuide Reference

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Oscillator DesignGuide is integrated into Agilent EEsof`s Advanced Design System environment, working as a smart library and interactive handbook for the creation of useful designs. It allows you to quickly design oscillators, interactively characterize their components, and receive in-depth insight into their operation. It is easily modifiabl

Oscillator DesignGuide Reference
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e to user-defined configurations. The first release of this DesignGuide focuses on RF printed circuit boards and microwave oscillations. This document assumes that you are familiar with all of the basic ADS program operations. For additional information, refer to Schematic Capture and Layout. The Oscillator DesignGuide contains templates that can be used in the ADS software environment. It consists of generic colpitts, clapp, modified colpitts, modified clapp, and hartley oscillator design examples, and a library of components and component characterization tools. The push-button nonlinear measurements are recommended as a starting point for both expert and novice users creating large-signal designs. For the expert, these measurements provide an overview of tool capabilities. For the novice user, they provide a working oscillator together with simulations of its typical characteristics of nonlinear designs. The full set of available large-signal measurements in the Generic Oscillator example are described in the following table. Subsets of these measurements appear in other examples. Refer to the section Additional Examples The cClappCore. dsn oscillator operates from 0. 5 to 15GHz using the existing component values in the Clapp oscillator sub-circuit. Resonator tank components Ct and Lt are automatically calculated with approximations referenced to 1GHz and displayed on some display pages. The Ground or Series Resonator...

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